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Huntington Beach, California is a full service city and one of the most affluent cities in the nation. The city's average family household income is $101,579; highest in the nation based on the top 100 largest cities in the country. The median age of city residents is 37-years-old. The average price for a home in Huntington Beach exceeds $400,000. The City of Huntington Beach employs over 1,100 people and has a budget exceeding $300 million. Retail sales reach nearly $l.6 billion annually, giving the city the fourth-largest retail sales in Orange County. Huntington Beach has a population of approximately 200,000 and is projected to grow to 204,000 by 2005. The annual visitor population is over 11 million people. Los Angeles is located 35 miles to the northwest and San Diego is 95 miles to the southeast.


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